BobyStar on VRChatBobyStar on VRChat

[VRChat Prefab] Boby's Layer Mirror

A VRChat Prefab for Worlds needing a highly customizable mirror. UI adapts to layers in VRChat World and each layer can be toggled on/off in VRChat. It also has default High-Quality and Low-Quality LayerMasks. UI dynamically adjusts to the number of layers. Includes setting for showing only used layers or all layers.

[VRChat Prefab] Boby's Layer Mirror
A VRChat Prefab for Worlds needing a highly customizable mirror. UI adapts to layers in VRChat World and each layer can be toggled on/off in VRChat. It also has default High-Quality and Low-Quality LayerMasks. UI dynamically adjusts to the number of layers. Includes setting for showing only used layers or all layers.

